The Local Scholars and Mentors Unifying Research and Practice to Harvest Excellence for the Future (L.SMURPHE.F) Institute, in conjunction with L.SMURPHE.F Productions, welcomes submissions for the Spring 2021 Issue of The Literary Challenge Journal. Writers of all ages and all viewpoints are encouraged to take the Challenge! Submissions must be received by midnight Central Standard Time on March 5, 2021, and must respond to the prompt below.
Dear Mr. President, my life matters.
Click here to submit your entry on the LimeSurvey Portal.

1. How much do I have to write? You must write at least 10 words. Your writing maximum is determined by your Challenge Level. Use the table below to identify your Challenge Level.
Challenge Level | Ages | Word Count* |
Promising Scholars | under 10 | 10–50 |
Rising Scholars | 10–13 | 10–75 |
Advancing Scholars | 14–17 | 10–100 |
Learned Scholars | 18–25 | 10–150 |
Sage Scholars | over 25 | 10–200 |
2. Who will read this letter? Your letter will be read by our editors, other writers, and members of the public. It also will be shared with public officials at the local, state, and national levels.
3. Do I have to use my own name? Yes and no. Yes, because we need to know who you are in order to pay your compensation. No, because we can publish your writing under the pen name that you provide.
4. What kind of compensation will I receive? All submissions will receive editorial feedback, edited versions will be included in the digital edition of The Literary Challenge Journal, and Challengers will receive a $2 stipend. A limited number of submissions (100) will be selected for print publication. Writers of printed submissions will receive an additional $8 stipend ($10 total) and one print copy of the journal.
5. What is the compensation for video entries? Video submissions are compensated in the same manner as written submissions. Video submissions will receive editorial critique, edited versions will be included in the digital edition of The Literary Challenge Journal, and Challengers will receive a $2 stipend.
6. Can I submit a written response and a video response? Yes. Challengers may submit one written response and one video response.
7. Are you accepting entries from all viewpoints? Yes, we are. We want people to share what matters most to them right now in their own words and from their own perspectives.
Click here to submit your entry on the LimeSurvey portal.